The new school year begins before summer has even ended... all of us - teachers, students and parents have a long road ahead of us. And what kind of road it will be depends on all of us. Aluksne Art school encourages our students to have a broader view, hear more and think deeper. All of that needs serious work and attitude from all of our students.
So that our joint cooperation would continue to be successful we invite you to review the rules found on the school's website - school regulations, school rules and discuss them with your children.
During this school year, we have made sure that each class has its own responsible teacher, who will ensure closer communication with the students parents and help with other issues. Anita Vēliņa will take care for 6th and 7th grade but 5th grade will be in responsibility of teacher Ilze Balande-Egle. Rita Balane will be in charge of 4th grade, Lilija Kukle for 3rd grade, Elita Salaka for 2nd grade and Anda Plauma for 1st grade.
We are happy that you have chosen professionally oriented educational program “Visual Plastic Art” of Aluksne Art school. The program provides students with the opportunity to obtain an important educational document within 7 years - a certificate of the professionally oriented educational program “Visual Plastic Art” (educational code 20V 21100 1). Experience has shown that often the child has to make a choice if he or she is interested in music, sports or has some other interest. If you feel and understand that it is too difficult for your child to study in a professionally oriented educational program, our school also has the opportunity to attend the interest-based educational program "Visual Plastic Arts" for different age groups.
This year, we are particularly thinking about working with parents, so we will invite parents to attend meetings and participate in school board for a better opportunity to hear your suggestions, and let you know more about the specifics of school work.
As a tradition, we continue to create a school work exhibit in the school's Exhibition Hall on Museum Night, the third Saturday in May, when you are especially welcome to see what we have been doing and what Your children have learned in our school.
We wish a creative and colorful new school year for all of us!
Anda Plauma, Deputy Director of the Aluksne Art School
August 26, 27 at 10 a.m.
• “Pre-School Drawing and Ceramics Classes”
(4-6 years),
• "Visual Plastic Art" for first grade students from 7 years,
• "Visual Plastic Art" for elementary school grades 2-6,
• "Visual Plastic Art" for young people in grades 7-12,
• "Visual Plastic Art" for Adults.
tel. 29177702, 64322433
For more information on enrollment and education, see here:
At the end of the school year, 3-6. grade students spent the first week of June in the summer plein air - painting, drawing and went on a 2 day educational field trip to Sēlija and Latgale as a part of the summer plein air session, continuing to learn about the Latvian cultural environment. This year's trip took place in the spirit of the ‘’Daugava Circles’’, a route that was thoughtfully planned by Anda Plauma, a teacher and deputy principal of the school. Teachers and students got acquainted with the Mailīši weaving workshop and the art objects created by the artist Ivars Mailītis in Ērgļi.
While continuing the field trip through Pļaviņas and Koknese all participants had a chance to sail longships once used by Vikings and listened to the captains stories about the Daugava, its banks and the immediate surroundings before the construction of Pļaviņas hydroelectric station.
The tour continued in Līvāni, where the historical exposition “Craftsmen in Latgale 19th-20th Century” and the exhibition of qualification works of students of Rēzekne Secondary School of Art and Design "Be smart, free and creative ..." was visited, . In the Līvāni Glass Museum, the Students also practiced drawing various forms of Līvāni glass dishes. For the night everyone was staying in Ilūkste and on the second morning a visit to Ilūkste Music and Art School took place.
The exhibitions at Rothko Center in Daugavpils, were as diverse as life itself - from very high technical and intellectual prowess to a bit awkward sweet personal excitement, from an abundance of emotions to a formal technical virtuosity. It is very important for students to visit serious exhibitions, to see and feel art in its diversity, which is often lacking in a small-town cultural environment. It was interesting to watch how school children with their open world perception admire talent and genuine emotions…
Continuing the tour, the landscapes with picturesque Daugava circles were explored, and the participants of the tour, climbing the observation tower, could see the Rozališķi Circle of the Daugava river - one of the most beautiful Latvian landscapes that once embellished the Latvian banknote - 10 lats bill.
Before going home, we had a shared lunch at the scenic Lake Rāzna and received diplomas, awards and appreciation for outstanding results in studies and competitions.
This year on June 1, in Aluksne Art school 25th graduation ceremony, 12 students presented their creative works and gained a diploma for graduating professionally oriented educational program “Visual Plastic Art”. Like every year, our students introduced audience with their final works and the process of making them. This year, graduates were given a common theme: The study of natural materials as a source of inspiration for their individual composition from observation to idea, from idea to sketch, from sketch to materialization of the work, requiring that artwork be in 3D using unconventional and accessible materials for the realization of the idea. The participants were able to evaluate the results by looking at the students' work, presentations of the work process, and hearing the feedback of an external reviewer. We are truly honored that this year's reviewer was Matīss Šteinerts and his opinion was engaging and very interesting to the entire audience, given the reviewer's extensive knowledge and professional background: Fordham University, New York, USA, 2017 (Master's degree in Urban Studies), Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Communication, 2014. (Master of Social Sciences in Social Anthropology), Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, 2010. (Certified architect), having developed his professional experience by participating in various projects in Latvia and abroad. Matīss is also a year 2000 graduate of the Aluksne Art School. Thank you Matīss!
Many thanks to singer-songwriter and guitarist Kristīne Pāže for the musical mood of the event and to photographer Jana Rāga for capturing all the wonderful moments of the event!
I sincerely thank the graduates, their parents and teachers for all the work they have done to achieve this goal!
Wishing everyone a sunny, joyful summer and good luck in all their future endeavours,
Director of Aluksne Art school Ojārs Vēliņš
At 19:00-22:00 within the Night of Museums for viewing in Alūksne Art School will be available exhibition of 2018/2019 school year's art works and exhibition of creative school's graduating works by 7th grade students. We Welcome everyone to the Art school.