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Exam in composition “School's ending work project, presentation”

       In the evening of March 22, 2017 there was atmosphere of some excitement in the Art School. Students of form 5 welcomed their parents, teachers and schoolmates to their first serious test — presentation for projects of school's ending creative works, the same time also exam of composition.
         They were carefully preparing their presentations to tell their audience about their creative idea for school's ending works as attestation to acquired skills of independent creative work finishing septennial Professional Introduction Educational Programme “Visual-plastic Art”.
       Gustavs Stradiņš will realise his interest in life of aborigines, their understanding of the world and Art in his painting “Rītausma” (Dayspring).
         Kristiāna Freimane will show the phenomena of time irreversibility in graphical composition “Kaleidoskops” (Kaleidoscope) because time is like fragments of kaleidoscope that cannot be brought back to their initial state. Work will be made during process of understanding optical effects and composition structure of graphical work by Dutch artist Maurits Cornelis Escher and getting under their influence .
         Egils Veinbergs presented idea of learning about himself by choosing genre of self-portrait.
       Agata Rāga in her diploma work will paint her feelings about the years spent in Alūksne Art School using works of artist Boriss Bērziņš as impulse source.
Anastasija Gaile will make a painting “Klusā daba” (Still Life) by studying and interpreting set-up and image of corporeity in still life paintings by Dutch old masters.
       Nikolajs Rakovs will paint composition “Pamests, bet ne aizmirsts” (Abandoned, but not forgotten) getting know bright works by painter Aleksejs Naumovs.
       Artūrs Krajevičs has chosen to show his attitude to beloved pet in painting “Klusā daba ar kaķi” (Still Life with a Cat) getting inspiration from creative works by Henri Matisse.
        After presentation prospective graduates were assessed by their pedagogues and got a plantlet of spring flower which they have to care until splendid blossoms, similarly to their creative idea they will have to care from idea to realisation in material.


Excursion to Rīga on March 17, 2017

         On March 17, 2017, the group of students and pedagogues went to Rīga to visit Open Day events and creative workshops in PIKC NMV Jānis Rozentāls Art School.
         We were kindly greeted by guides-students of the school and they were introducing us to the facilities and learning process of the school and answering to our questions about requirements of entrance examinations and others questions of interest. We could see displayed art works, observe drawing process of plaster head, works in the painting workshop and multi-media works created by students of the school as well as get know information about participation of Jānis Rozentāls School in Erasmus + learning mobility programme allowing students to get know art schools of other countries and gain new experience.
        Students of our school had an opportunity to try different techniques of graphics, screen printing, plaster casting, plotting and animation in creative workshops.
        Out next destination was the exhibition hall ”Arsenāls” (Arsenal) and its exhibition
“Hiperreālisms. Virziena variācijas Latvijā” (Hyperrealism. The variations of direction in Latvia). This project serves as opening for the programme devoted to the century of Republic of Latvia and it is organised by Latvian National Art Museum. In the exhibition are displayed works where coming in and development of hyperrealism in Latvian art for half a century (from 1967 to 2017) is revealed. Especially valuable was attending of the exhibition for the students of the 7th grade as they are going to get know the art directions of the 20th century art during their studies of art language.
        Then we went to the Latvian National Museum of Art. There we got know the constant exhibition and also the exhibition of the works by candidates to the Purvītis Prize 2017. This last exhibition consists of bright painting, graphics, sculptural, installations and video art works created by eight artists and collectives of authors proposed by independent experts to the fifth Purvītis Prize for the greatest performance in visual art in 2015 and 2016.
         At the end of the tour we visited the exhibition “Zīmējumi steigā” (Drawings in haste) by students of E. Geperts Academy of Art and Design (Wroclaw) in the exhibition hall of Art Academy of Latvia.


Let's take part in the 3rd round of the National Competition!

         Every year National Competition with one certain theme is organised by National Centre of Culture for students of Professional Introduction Art and Design Education Programmes in the educational institutions of Latvia. In school year 2016/2017 it is graphics design.
The aim of the competition is to evaluate learning results for students of Professional Introduction Art and Design Education Programmes in the educational institutions of Latvia and to recognise needs of culture education development, promoting studies of interdisciplinary themes by creative learning process.
        The task of the competition is to develop comprehension of students in graphics design by understanding importance of typeface, text, means of expression and composition in design; to stimulate understanding of students about design as process, about consecutive development of design idea, its compliance to particular function and target audience and develop ability of students to work in the group.
Participants of the competition are involved in different age groups: 7-10 years, 11–13 years and 14–16 years.
           The competition is organised in several rounds. Round I was school stage where each age group had to accomplish different task. Younger group had to develop graphical design for candy, middle group - for smoothie, but older group - for healthy goody (dried fruits, candied fruits).
           After evaluating the works in the school stage the works of 6 students (2 in each age group) were sent to Riga to take part in round II.
In March 13 we received information that to the stage III of the National Competition organised on March 31 in Valmiera were invited:
o Marta Aire, Jānis Bindemanis from younger group (teacher Elita Salaka)
o Amanda Nikola Cēsniece, Sabīne Līdaciņa from intermediate group (teacher Elita Salaka)
o Kristiāna Freimane, Gustavs Stradiņš from older group (teacher Rita Balane)
Let's keep fingers crossed!

Exhibition “Painting and Photo Workshop “GULBENE 2016””

            From February 16 to March 31 2017 in the school's exhibition hall you can visited the exhibition of works by participants of painting and photo workshop “Gulbene 2016”. This exhibition was made in collaboration with Karlīna Cercina, manager of Valmiera Gallery “Laipa”.
            GULBENE 2016”. Workshop was organized by Valmiera Culture and Art Fund in collaboration with Gulbene regional council and town municipality as well as creative community, society“ 5 māja”.
During Art Workshop Gulbene became new place of interest for painter and glass artist Anitra Bērziņa, water colour painter Aleksandrs Ņeberekutins, artists Līga Jaunzeme, Katrīna Gaile and Ilze Rēvalde, painter Neonilla Medvedeva, artists Vladimirs Babkins and Andrejs Severetņikovs, photographer Normunds Cercins.
During workshop artists were working in different places of Gulbene town and Stāmeriena to create art works depicting people, places and atmospheres.

Theatre and performance masterclass of drawings by Anda Lāce

             In collaboration with Latvia Contemporary Art Center within project “MEISTARKLASES LATVIJAS MĀKSLAS SKOLĀS” (MASTERCLASSES IN LATVIA ART SCHOOLS) masterclass of Purvītis award 2016 winner Anda Lāce “7 performances un zīmējumu teātris” (7 Performances and Drawing Theatre) took place in February 7 and 8 in Alūksne Art School. In masterclass participated 17 students of Professional Introduction and Interest Education programme of Alūksne Art School. They were Marta Heidemane, Marta Elizabete Bērziņa, Elza Jaunzeme, Līva Zara, Kristīne Lāce, Marta Rozīte, Ieva Vika, Dominika Medne, Ulrika Alksne, Ennija Joce, Patrīcija Miesniece, Mārtiņš Emīls Mičulis, Marta Aire, Reinis Ābeltiņš, Dana Zača, Hēra Žaklīna Biete, Jans Kazačenoks.
              Participants had to prepare home work - drawing “I dont like…” Working together with artist children wrote their stories about things they are concerned and they dont like. They prepared big paper sheets for painting and attached them to the wall. Next day the “Dont like” drawing was projected to the sheets of paper on the wall and over them were painted positive - opposite feelings. Participants gained new experience, dared to go before their audience, reveal their feelings and thoughts and show them in visual images.
              Masterclass by A. Lāce took place during project “LLMC izglītības programmas bērniem un jauniešiem 2016” (LLMC Education Programmes for Children and Youth) financially supported by VKKF. Generally the project included 2 masterclasses (masterclass by Anda Lāce in Alūksne Art School and masterclass of kinetic art by Artūrs Riņķis in Madona J. Simsona Art School) as well as education programmes in festival Survival Kit orgnized by LLMC, in exhibition by Ieva Alksne and Valda Celma “Kinētikas arheoloģija” (Archeology of Kinetics) and exhibition by Juris Boiko “Sāls kristāli” (Salt Crystals).


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Alūksnes Mākslas skola- © 2024 Izstrāde: sia samTools; dizains: Līga Vēliņa