On May 19, 2018 from 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm within the Night of Museums in Alūksne Art School there will be exposed artworks of the students.
May 15 (afternoon) - review of painting works for grades 1-7
May 21 at 11:00 am – review of composition works for grades 2-7
May 23 at 11:00 am – review of works in subject “Work with material” In afternoon - submission and presentations of graduation works
May 26 at 2:00 pm GRADUATE
May 31 at 1:30 pm receiving of School proof for grades 1-2
June 4-8 at 9:00-12:00 am PRACTICE for students of grades 3-6
(4.06-6.06 in the school, 7.06-8.06 an educational excursion/workshop to Tukums region and Engure region and receiving of School proof for grades 3-6)
In the exhibition will be shown works created both in learning process and finishing the school by students of the school. Those are paintings, graphics and textile compositions. In the exhibition are presented works from more than 40 authors made by the students in age 10-15 in time period from 2008 to 2017.
Works exposed in the exhibition have been created with guidance from following teachers: Rita Balane, Lilija Kukle, Elita Salaka, Anita Vēliņa and Ojārs Vēliņš and overall it is a result of works of all the teachers of the school because students in the school for 7 school years learn licensed Professional Introduction Programme "Visual Plastic Art”. Many graduates in Alūksne Art School have improved themselves for even 10-11 years. At first in drawing and clay modelling classes, then in preparation classes and later continuing education in Professional Introduction Programmes. But after finishing the school some students continue education in interest education programmes.
Several ex-students of this school now are continuing their art education in professional secondary and in higher art education establishments both in Latvia and abroad receiving qualifications of designers, architects, art teachers or artists. Others have already achieved named educations and are successfully working in these professions in Alūksne, Latvia and other places in the World.
Because of changes in working plans of the exhibition hall of Alūksne Art School there are changes in visiting time for the exhibition “Latvijas zemes skaņas .Alūksne” Alūksne” (The sounds of Latvian soil. Alūksne) and the exhibition will be available for visiting until January 19, 2018 in business days 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Soil is one of the most important Latvian symbols. It helps us by giving fertility, blessing and preservation of memories. Travelling far away, important talisman for Latvians is handful of soil from the homeland. What is the sound of Latvian soil in Alūksne? This year it was studied by a society “Siguldas Mākslu serpentīns” (Serpentine of Arts of Sigulda) and the New Mediums artist Zanda Puče, implementing project “Latvijas zemes skaņas. Alūksne” (The sounds of Latvian soil. Alūksne).
Zanda Puče:
„Alūksne is important for me because my great-great-grandfather Juhans Jurss (1874(6-?)-1957, in Tomska) was a craftsman, a boat-maker. A house built by him in Alsviķi district was called “Atmiņas” (Memories). During project implementing process I found out that his craftsman's skills he has transferred to many persons in Alūksne.
Society doesn't live with experience from just one time period — it collects and acquires older legacy. I strived to get closer to the past using different ways so I can better understand what it is. To see all the road I probably need distance and higher thinking, because I have a feeling I missed something – in so short time it was hard to obtain it — I have a feeling that it is somewhere deeper. Sometimes it seemed that past is separated from us, but I think there were moments when I succesfully experienced it. Together with people from the Alūksne region I tried to revive things that I own – my family stories, their memories which than became part of my memory, filling in “white spaces”. It would be boring if memories reflected life as a mirror. They do it with selection and maybe in this way they are getting closer to art not history. In my story about Alūksne there are no events, I try to tell it with sounds, smells and light touches. It has everything I thought important – recordings of the sounds from soil, tales of the locals, photographs and documents, fragments of newspapers, things that have been touched by people close to me.
In exhibition are used several information channels – photo, video, audio and graphics. With self made unique, but simple technology we recorded soil sounds in energetic places suggested by the inhabitants of Alūksne and the images of their spectrum create series of graphical photogramms that are supplemented by photographs produced by Armands Andže using technique which was used in the days of Mārtiņš Buclers – large format bellows camera.
The places in Alūksne region where we recorded the soil sounds are special, thus you can visit them too using map where I marked them!”
We thank to Ojārs Vēliņš, Andris Alviķis, Armands Andže, Jānis Ciglis, Daiga Jursa, Ojārs Jursa, the family of Kaulakans, the family of Korps, Jānis Līcis, Jānis Polis, Daina Saveļjeva, Vitautas Hanzenas and Kaspars Tobis!
About the artist:
Zanda Puče on 2016 absolved the master studies graphics section in the Art Academy of Latvia; on 2015 – ISSP Photografy school; on 2014 – bachelor's programme New mediums art in Liepāja University. This year with co-financing from Sigulda region municipality and support from the society “Siguldas Mākslu serpentīns” (Serpentine of Arts of Sigulda) was implemented project “Sveicieni no Siguldas” (Greetings from Sigulda), on 2016 – project “MEDĪBAS” (HUNTING) and “EX-libri Art Voyage”, on 2015 – project “Mūsu mājas stāsti” (Stories of our house) and on 2014 – project “Pārceltuve” (Ferry crossing). More information: zandapuce.lv
Project is supported by: Vidzeme planning region, Latvia's Culture Capital fund, Alūksne Art School. Project was implemented with co-financing from “Vidzeme culture programme 2017 supported by Latvian State Forests”.
Exhibition is open until February 2, 2018 on business days at 10.00 am to 6.00 pm. Entrance fee – for adults 1.00 EUR, for students and seniors 0.50 EUR.