From February 16 to March 31 2017 in the school's exhibition hall you can visited the exhibition of works by participants of painting and photo workshop “Gulbene 2016”. This exhibition was made in collaboration with Karlīna Cercina, manager of Valmiera Gallery “Laipa”.
GULBENE 2016”. Workshop was organized by Valmiera Culture and Art Fund in collaboration with Gulbene regional council and town municipality as well as creative community, society“ 5 māja”.
During Art Workshop Gulbene became new place of interest for painter and glass artist Anitra Bērziņa, water colour painter Aleksandrs Ņeberekutins, artists Līga Jaunzeme, Katrīna Gaile and Ilze Rēvalde, painter Neonilla Medvedeva, artists Vladimirs Babkins and Andrejs Severetņikovs, photographer Normunds Cercins.
During workshop artists were working in different places of Gulbene town and Stāmeriena to create art works depicting people, places and atmospheres.
In collaboration with Latvia Contemporary Art Center within project “MEISTARKLASES LATVIJAS MĀKSLAS SKOLĀS” (MASTERCLASSES IN LATVIA ART SCHOOLS) masterclass of Purvītis award 2016 winner Anda Lāce “7 performances un zīmējumu teātris” (7 Performances and Drawing Theatre) took place in February 7 and 8 in Alūksne Art School. In masterclass participated 17 students of Professional Introduction and Interest Education programme of Alūksne Art School. They were Marta Heidemane, Marta Elizabete Bērziņa, Elza Jaunzeme, Līva Zara, Kristīne Lāce, Marta Rozīte, Ieva Vika, Dominika Medne, Ulrika Alksne, Ennija Joce, Patrīcija Miesniece, Mārtiņš Emīls Mičulis, Marta Aire, Reinis Ābeltiņš, Dana Zača, Hēra Žaklīna Biete, Jans Kazačenoks.
Participants had to prepare home work - drawing “I dont like…” Working together with artist children wrote their stories about things they are concerned and they dont like. They prepared big paper sheets for painting and attached them to the wall. Next day the “Dont like” drawing was projected to the sheets of paper on the wall and over them were painted positive - opposite feelings. Participants gained new experience, dared to go before their audience, reveal their feelings and thoughts and show them in visual images.
Masterclass by A. Lāce took place during project “LLMC izglītības programmas bērniem un jauniešiem 2016” (LLMC Education Programmes for Children and Youth) financially supported by VKKF. Generally the project included 2 masterclasses (masterclass by Anda Lāce in Alūksne Art School and masterclass of kinetic art by Artūrs Riņķis in Madona J. Simsona Art School) as well as education programmes in festival Survival Kit orgnized by LLMC, in exhibition by Ieva Alksne and Valda Celma “Kinētikas arheoloģija” (Archeology of Kinetics) and exhibition by Juris Boiko “Sāls kristāli” (Salt Crystals).
Welcome to the opening of the exhibition, meeting and conversations with teachers of PECC RADSS in November 17 of this year at 15:00 in the exhibition hall of the school.
Professional education competence centre of Riga Design and Art secondary school (PECC RADSS) is the largest art and design secondary professional education institution in Latvia.
There are 11 professional education programmes available in PECC RADSS:
• Interior design
• Promotional design
• Clothing design
• Shape textile
• Structure textile
• Design of leather products
• Design of glass products
• Design of wood products
• Design of metal products
• Shape design
• Design of ceramic products
All students of all educational programmes study both drawing and painting every study year from year 1 to year 4. During their studies students of the school are working in different techniques of drawing and painting and acquire very different types of painting and methods of technical expression.
Most of the school graduates are successfully continuing education in higher design and art educational institutions of Latvia and abroad. Several graduates of the school continue improving of their talents and skills during studies of painting and graphics in Latvia Art Academy and higher educational institutions abroad.
In sunny day of the 1st of October group of students and teachers of Alūksne Art School took part in the workshop of Contemporary Art at Ziemeri Estate supported by Society “Ziemerpils”, Contemporary Art Society “Octopus Art Project” and VKKF Vidzeme Culture Programme 2016.
During the day at the 1st floor of the estate were demonstrated seven video reels created in five years period by the author of the conception Luces (Edmunds Lūcis) together with Raitis Vulfs. By now those video reels were presented in different art projects outside of Latvia — in Munich, Berlin and Hamburg. One of the video reels (“GOD”) was demonstrated during the 55th Venice Art Biennial within the international project “PERSONAL STRUCTURES”.
Students had opportunity to take part in any creative workshops of the artists:
• Workshop “Fotogrāfija atdzīvojas” (Reviving of the photo) by Justīne Lūce. In this workshop participants had made installations in the boxes as basis using black-and-white photo complemented with different elements and materials from nature and thus creating photo or painting in 3D style;
• Workshop “Tēlnieki” (Sculptors) by Anda Poikāne — in this workshop participants could get know anatomy of human palm and reproduce it in the material;
• “Animācijas darbnīca” (Animation Workshop) by Dace Lūce — creation of animation films about workshop in Ziemeri estate. Participants of the workshop have fitted in the roles of script writer, producer or artist, drawn film characters and got know the process of films making. Draft of the film was presented already in the evening, and later it will follow its sound making helped by Elizabete Balčus;
• Opportunity to observe painting process in the workshop and paint.
In the evening was organised exhibition of works created in the workshop and audiovisual performance by Elizabete Balčus.
For celebration of personal anniversary of Ojārs Vēliņš, director of Alūksne Art School, creative works by three authors Līga Vēliņa, Anita Vēliņa and Ojārs Vēliņš are exhibited in the exhibition hall. Exhibition hall is open from 10:00 to 18:00 in working days from September 20 to November 11. Exhibition opening took place at September 20 18:30.
Free entrance.